Housing Courses
With a housing qualification, a learner can continue with his career by being taught how to work with workmates and clients in manner that promotes ethical, sustainable and safe working practices.
A learner will get skills that will enable him to give enhanced services to clients by the application of organization procedures and policies and after completing the qualification there are chances of progressing to higher qualifications.
A housing diploma or certificate is for learners that are working the industry of housing already. This is for those that have got experience in this industry and even have supervisory roles.
The qualification is appropriate for those that want to continue into further studies like management roles or those that want to expand their roles.
For the qualifications of level two, the following areas will be covered:
Maintaining and development of stakeholder relationships in the context of housing
Maintaining behavior that is professional and workplace relationships in the context of housing
Maintaining safety, security and health of others and self
Encouragement of positive values of the community
Level Two
This is for those that are working as housing officers in the industry. Those that want to gain further skills and experience in promoting diversity and equality when working with others.
Level Three
This is for those that have experience in the housing industry, those that have been in the industry for sometime and have held supervisory and management roles. Those that want to build their skills more and move into senior management roles.
The qualification is appropriate for the learners that are working in the industry of housing and want to diversify their knowledge and skills or those who want to demonstrate that they are aiming at higher levels of management.
After completing the level two housing certificate, one can continue to the level three diploma or certificate in housing.
Housing qualifications are meant for people that are working in the industry of housing regardless of whether they have a lot of experience or just little experience.
The learners that are doing the certificate at level two or at level three or diploma are assessed through evidence portfolio which they add in the process of completing the qualification.
The full list of requirements should be downloaded from the handbook of qualifications from the center section of documents.
The providers should ensure that the learners can access the resources which are required to do the qualification.
Level Two
This is for those that are working as housing officers in the industry. Those that want to gain further skills and experience in promoting diversity and equality when working with others.
There are core units that should be completed at this level including:
Maintaining and development of stakeholder relationships in the context of housing
Maintaining behavior that is professional and workplace relationships in the context of housing
Maintaining safety, security and health of others and self
The optional units are:
Undertaking documentation that is related to activities of housing
Doing promotional activity in the housing sector
Marketing and advertising priorities
The qualification is appropriate for the learners that are working in the industry of housing and want to diversify their knowledge and skills.
After completing the level two housing certificate, one can continue to the level three diploma or certificate in housing.
Level Three
This is for those that have experience in the housing industry, those that have been in the industry for sometime and have held supervisory and management roles. Those that want to build their skills more and move into senior management roles.
At this level, the learner can decide to do a longer diploma or a shorter certificate and bot need that you complete three mandatory units:
Promoting sustainable, ethical and safe housing practices
Planning of own development of professionalism the housing sector
Development of positive customer and colleague relationship when giving housing services
There are optional units that should be taken depending on the selected qualification length:
Housing certificate
Organizing the repay r and maintenance of property
Provision of guidance on g= housing to customers
Housing diploma
Working with groups and customers for community development
Giving customers support to lower the risk of becoming homeless
The qualification is appropriate for the learners that are working in the industry of housing and want to diversify their knowledge and skills.
After completing the level two housing certificate, one can continue to the level three diploma or certificate in housing.