Hair and Beauty Technicals Courses
The Technical Award of Level Two in Beauty and Hair studies enables a learner to gain a few technical skills and theoretical knowledge related to the beauty and hair sector that cannot be gained from general education.
The technical qualifications also can be a component of our partners which is a new exciting program of study which is designed to provide learners between 14 years and 19 years professional and technical skills required to continue from FE to university or apprenticeship or the job market.
To make sure that a learner develops wider skills in the workplace that are needed by employers, our partner goes further to combine practical work, critical skills, experience and technical qualifications brought which is an innovative learning online hub that provides learners with an opportunity to develop and practice the skills learned from any place and at any time.
The Technical Award is given to learners between the age of 14 years and 16 years.
The qualification builds the following skills, knowledge, and understanding:
Colleges are required to give learners the resources and environment needed to complete the theory and practical qualification aspects.